Buying your first handbag can be an exciting task, but it is also a highly challenging one. While there is a fulfilling feeling associated with purchasing a first handbag, choosing the most suitable one from the plethora of options is overwhelming. This article will provide some top tips for picking your first handbag.
1. The Price
The first tip when choosing a handbag is to consider the price of the bag. This is potentially the most significant factor and must be adhered to. When buying any item, particularly clothing and accessories, it is recommended that you draft a budget to see how much you are able to spend, then try and find items that fall within this monetary range. It can be tempting to purchase a handbag outside of this limited allowance but try not to place yourself in debt over a handbag. If you’re desperate to purchase a particular brand, why not look for a used handbag – this is a great way to save money and still have the bag you want.
2. The Functionality
It is important to consider how you will be using the handbag. Is it going to be a going out bag, a work bag, a travel bag or an everyday use bag? You need to ensure that the bag will be suited to its functionality. For example, an everyday bag cannot be a small clutch as you will not be able to fit all your belongings and daily necessities in something that small. Think before you buy something or you may land up buying more than one bag.
3. The Quality
Different handbags will present with different features – and the price tends to reflect this. For example, a bag priced at $500 will often be factory-made, while a bag priced at $2,000 will be hand-made with a greater quality construction. When making a purchase, you should always read the product description and scrutinize the materials or where it was made. Quality is important because you do not want to spend your money on an item that will break in a few weeks.
4. The Brand
While some people may not be interested in brand names and are merely searching for a handbag, there are others who are desperate to buy a designer bag. Unfortunately, this can make choosing a handbag more complicated as there are so many designer houses from which to choose. European classics include Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Saint Laurent, or Fendi; however, if you want something edgier you could choose an Asian brand like Issey Miyake.
If you are looking for the place to buy your first handbag, come see what’s available at Extoggery consignment. Our inventory is always changing and you never know what you may find. We specialize in high-end brand name clothing and accessories. All of our inventory is cared for and maintained. If you want to find something unique and different from everything available anywhere else, then shopping at Extoggery consignment is for you.